Frequently Asked Questions
Q How can I book tickets before booking opens to the public?
A Become a Friend of Proms at St Jude’s.
Q Can I book tickets in the priority booking period at the same time as joining as a Friend?
A Yes. After selecting your Friends membership, please confirm and pay. Please then log in again: the system will recognise you as 2025 Friend and allow you to book tickets in the corresponding priority period.
Q When can I buy my Friends membership?
A Friends memberships are on sale now on our website, Join as a Friend.
Q What benefits will I receive as a Friend in 2025?
A All Friends will benefit from the priority booking for tickets (see booking periods below).
Gold and Silver Friends will also have access to the hospitality marquee.
Q When can I book my ticket?
A Gold Friends can book from Monday, 24 March, and will have an exclusive 7 day priority booking period.
Silver Friends can book from Monday, 31 March, and will also have a 7 day priority booking period.
Bronze Friends can book from Monday, 7 April, and will have a 7 day priority booking period.
Public booking will open on Monday, 14 April.
Q What happens if the performance is cancelled? Will I get a refund?
A If we have to cancel a performance you will receive an automatic refund.
Q Can I return tickets if I can no longer use them?
A Yes but refunds will be given only if we are able to resell unwanted tickets and will be subject to a £5 administration charge per booking. Please phone the box office on 020 3322 8123 and leave a message.
Q Is there access for wheelchair users?
A Yes, there is wheelchair access to all venues. See Accessibility for more information.
Q When are tickets despatched?
A No postal tickets will be available to avoid unnecessary handling of paperwork. E-tickets sent via email can be printed at home or displayed at the door on your phone. A handling surcharge of £3 will be made for Box Office Collection of tickets.
Q Is parking available?
A Limited parking is available in surrounding streets – please park considerately. Parking in St Jude’s car park is strictly for people with disabilities and must be pre-booked.
Q I have a Blue Badge – can I use the church car park?
A Yes, subject to availability, but parking MUST be pre-booked. Please email us at or call 020 3322 8123
Q How long will concerts be?
A Normally, our audience experience about 90 minutes of live music with an interval.
Q The concert I wish to attend is sold out. Will there be any chance of returns?
A Please email us at or call on 020 3322 8123 to register interest.
Q What is your policy on Data Protection?
A See Data Protection.

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Photo by Michael Eleftheriades
Helpful staff on hand to answer questions

Photo by Michael Eleftheriades
Charity Explanation and Updates