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Her Honour Wendy Joseph KC

Rough Justice: Do We Have the Law We Deserve?

LitFest Weekend is supported by the Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents Association

@Louise Rose Photography

Sunday 22 June 2025

17.00 - 18.00

The Henrietta Barnett School


The former Old Bailey judge, and author of the acclaimed bestseller Unlawful Killings, lifts the lid on our legal system and asks whether it delivers justice.

Her Honour Wendy Joseph KC examines four gripping trials she presided over and compares them with eerily similar historic cases - and miscarriages of justice - from years ago.

From the trial of a child charged with disposing of dismembered body parts, to the woman accused of killing her own husband, Joseph is utterly compelling as she sets out how our justice system works. Incisive and masterfully crafted, Rough Justice illuminates the struggles of any one of us - but particularly the marginalized and the easily exploited – who get caught up in our legal system.

‘The criminal law has found its voice: quiet, determined, steely, and yet always humane.’ Justin Webb, broadcaster and author

'Her clear narrative, beautifully crafted, is devoid of “judgeitis” or pomposity; her grim tales lifted by humour and honesty.Frances Gibb, The Times

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