Article from the Proms Archive
Saturday 14 November, 2020
We've raised £1 million
We are delighted to announce that we have raised over £1 million for charity since Proms was founded in 1993!
Bringing us over the line was a donation of £30,000 this year. That we were able to donate as much as half of what we raised last year, despite the Coronavirus lockdown, is a tribute to the generosity of all our sponsors, Friends, donors and others supporting our special 2020 Proms at Home – thank you!
As usual, funds went to Toynbee Hall and North London Hospice. Julian Corner, Chair of Toynbee Hall, said he was ‘amazed’ that we were able to put on a festival, despite lockdown, and ‘doubly amazed’ that we also managed to keep on fundraising.
“At a time when we are all worried for ourselves, our colleagues and our immediate families, your donation shows that we are also capable of extending our concern to those whom we’ve never met but know are at greatest risk”, he said. “It is a remarkable act of generosity and humanity.”
Robin Langrishe, Director of Fundraising at North London Hospice added, “Congratulations to Proms at St Jude’s and all its supporters on reaching this remarkable milestone. What has become evident over the pandemic is the resilience, determination and unwavering support from our community and on behalf of all the patients, families and nurses – a huge thank you. We really could not have got through this without you.”
Proms founder Susie Gregson said:
“Back in 1993 I'm sure that none of us guessed that we might ever reach such a figure or how the Suburb's very own music and literary festival would capture the hearts of local residents. What a wonderful journey of collaborative community effort it has been for the past 28 years. Thanks to each and every one of you who has helped us reach this amazing number - whether as a volunteer, an audience member, sponsor advertiser or performer. Together we create the magic of Proms, have heaps of fun and change lives in the process.”